Wednesday, October 30, 2013

November 2013 LSHRM Chapter Meeting

November 12, 2013
University Club at the University of Louisville
200 East Brandeis
Louisville, KY 40208


Designed after Stevens’ book, “Professional Presence: A Four-Part Guide to Building Your Personal Brand”, this session takes a comprehensive look at the importance of your personal brand, how to achieve the brand that you want and how that brand ties into your career. Professional Presence teaches “soft skills” – one of the biggest factors in professional success, yet seldom taught in corporate training. This session delivers a step-by-step program to develop these soft-skills necessary for career advancement that we call “The P4’s of Personal Branding” and includes:

• Protocol – Etiquette Overview
• Professional Presentations
• People Skills
• Personal Image

BIO: Peggy Noe Stevens

Author, global speaker, media spokesperson and prominent brand strategist, Peggy Noe Stevens brings a gracious, relevant and fresh approach to the topic of image and development. Peggy's career began in the hospitality and meeting planning industry where she learned the importance of customer service and detailing experiences. She parlayed those skills to the field of experiential marketing where she went on to develop the destination experience for global brands such as Jack Daniels, Woodford Reserve and Jim Beam. As head of Peggy Noe Stevens & Associates (PNSA), Peggy now works with companies all over the world including Toyota, Sanofi-Aventis and Humana to assist in developing their brand through their people. She is a Certified Etiquette and Protocol Trainer and the first female Master Bourbon Taster. Peggy speaks to several topics including The Architecture of Leadership, Building Your Personal Brand Strategy, Professional Etiquette and Protocol and Powerful Women.

Event Schedule

11:00 - 11:30 LSHRM New Member Orientation (Requires separate registration. Please click HERE for Registration Form )
11:30 - 12:00 Registration and Lunch Open
12:00 - 12:30 Chapter Meeting
12:30 - 1:30 Keynote Speaker: Peggy Noe Stevens, "Building Your Brand"

Click HERE to register for the Chapter Meeting

*Approved 1 hour HRCI General Recertification Credit

Prices Chapter Meeting
LSHRM Member $25
LSHRM Student Member $20
Non-Member/Guest $35
Non-Member/Guest w/o Reservation $40

**All registrations for meetings and events must be pre-paid (via credit card or bank debit card). Cancellations for pre-paid registrations may be accepted up to the meeting registration deadline. Cancellations after the meeting registration deadline will not be refunded due to the financial commitment LSHRM makes to its host.**

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